
“To become  reputable  service company”


1. Providing factual, comprehensive and continuously data through research, survey analysis, with the basis of discipline and responsible manpower.

2. Providing data in an efficient, effective and reliable publication media.

3. Mutually beneficial cooperation with the entrepreneurs through data support.

4. Maintaining the corporate image through harmonization principle for the internal company and sets out quality control for the customer’s interest.   


Continuously performs studies in various fields according to the current issue developed in the business and socio-economic world. The data gathered are systematically arranged and provided in form of study report book in Indonesian or English language depends on the customer’s demand.

Study field covers :Various industries (steel, automotive, petrochemical, animal feed, etc

Mining and energy sector

Health and environment sectors (hospitals, clinics, laboratory, pharmasi, DHA, etc)

Agricultural, fishery, farming and forestry sectors

Other fields based on the customer’s request


Through survey/research, PT Media Data serve consultancy that covers:

Pre-investment study (project planning and design)

Market research study

Supervision of the project execution

Production monitoring and industrial product distribution

PROYEK RISET  2007 – 2019

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